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January 8, 2021

Now Fresh Rescue Story: Young Cat Finds Forever Family After Tragedy

  • Success Stories
Natasha Fluffy Bottom the kitten

There's nothing that makes our hearts jump and our tails wag more than hearing the uplifting stories of people rescuing and helping abandoned animals. Whether it be saving them off the cold streets or adopting them from a local shelter and helping transform their lives - we love them all! This truly inspiring story is one we couldn't help but share. This Now Fresh rescue story is all about Natasha Fluffy Bottom, or "NFB" as her mom likes to call her. We share this little kitten's story with the hope of encouraging kindness and compassion towards every creature.

Natasha is a local kitten from Mission, BC, Canada who was unfortunately abandoned by her original owners. Sadly, Natasha fell from a moving vehicle on the highway and suffered many life-threatening injuries. While left on the side of the road and many cars passing by, one kind-hearted woman saw the incident and quickly decided to stop. She took the kitten and promptly rushed to the vet. Thanks to her urgency, Natasha was able to get the medical attention she needed and was able to find her perfect family and home the next day.

Here's what her new pet parents Keith and Kelly, had to say:

"Natasha is such an amazing cat. She is either at 100 or 0 as she plays hard, runs hard, sleeps hard, eats hard and loves hard. I think she knows that she has come to a loving home and is grateful to have been rescued.

Where she hit her face after being thrown from the vehicle has healed nicely, but she has a small scar on her upper lip that makes it look like a permanent little sneer.

She also has three favourite places to sleep; in the closet in her own bedroom (and yes, she has her own bedroom), in a hanging basket as part of a 7 foot climbing frame in the living room; and in the crook of my arm. When she wakes up, she chirps to let us know she's up, and wants to get some cuddles.

She's living at home with our small dog and rabbit (she's fascinated with the rabbit). She'll sit and watch him for hours! If she gets in with him, she bugs him like a little sister-always poking at him and getting in his space. The rabbit puts her in her place though. Everything is a toy for her, including the dog, the rabbit, her tail, and the drawstring of my hoodie.

She has many favourite toys, and she also loves "fishing"; a string and stick with a feather on the end. She lunges and jumps like a ballet dancer. She gets some great airtime. She also loves paper balls - she plays fetch with them and bats them around the house, and drives the dog nuts when she chases her tail.

She's such a sweet cat when really, she could've been feral given what happened to her. She plays hard, and she loves just as hard. When she is ready, she crawls up on us and always has to nestle in right under our chins. Her purr is really loud! We are so grateful Leilani allowed us to take her. She came at the perfect time as one of our dogs had died the week before, leaving us devastated. She's so much fun, so entertaining, and so loving."

How amazing is that? Natasha's new family is delighted to have her, and from what we hear, she's cuddled her way right into their hearts. Against all odds, and with the help of some incredible humans, she's proved to be quite the little fighter. After hearing her story, we jumped at the chance to help and set Natasha's new family up with a year's supply of food to help her grow up healthy and happy.

NOW FRESH Recipe for Kittens

Our Recommendation

Our Kitten Recipe

Crafted with fresh meat & fish, and nutrient-rich superfoods, as well as omega oils to support healthy brain & heart development

Natasha's story is, sadly, not unusual. Every year, millions of cats are abandoned and left to fight for their lives every day. But with your help - we all play a part.

We share this rescue story to help prevent animal cruelty and promote all animals' well-being. If all other options have been exhausted, pets can be surrendered to the SPCA, the Humane Society, and many other animal rescues and shelters in your area.


Natasha Fluffy Bottom the kitten

Keith and Kelly

Natasha's Pet Parents

Mission BC residents.

Aleasha Forbes and her cat, Halladay

Aleasha Forbes

Marketing Services Manager

Aleasha is our Marketing Services Manager and pet parent to Halladay, her shorthair black cat. As she enjoys cats and dogs both so much, she’s trained Halladay to be more of a cat/dog, performing tricks such as come, sit, jump and even shake a paw.